Wednesday, December 24

Ho Ho Ho

...trumps hee hee hee

Monday, December 22

Friday, December 19

All Is Calm

...mayhaps too calm??

Tuesday, December 16

Inspiration Strikes!

With a little bit of work, and a lot of luck in the lottery, I could drive Catsinger absolutely bonkers. Wish me luck...

A tip of the hat to Stephanie, one of our spinal instrumentation reps, who has this mad genius as a neighbor. The homeowner works for Intel and not only shares the music via loudspeakers, but broadcasts the synchronized tunes so you can listen on your car radio as you drive by.

Check out the whole story.

Saturday, December 13

Hide It Under A Bushel? NO!

I'm gonna make it shine.

Catsinger swore she wouldn't have lights this year. Sometimes good things happen when you least expect it!